Lists the Memory Information for the Current Machine
A data.frame (tibble) with the two columns field
and value
For most CPUs, there will be duplicated field
This function reads/queries /proc/meminfo
on the current machine.
info <- mem_info()
#> # A tibble: 55 × 2
#> field value
#> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 memtotal 16373808000
#> 2 memfree 8079452000
#> 3 memavailable 15182188000
#> 4 buffers 205816000
#> 5 cached 6834072000
#> 6 swapcached 0
#> 7 active 1087176000
#> 8 inactive 6399712000
#> 9 active(anon) 527392000
#> 10 inactive(anon) 0
#> # ℹ 45 more rows