The SGE accounting file holds information on all submitted and
finished jobs submitted to the SGE scheduler. Queued or
currently running jobs are not included in this file. A job is
considered “finished” if it completed successfully, terminated due to an
error, or was cancelled. The file is a colon-delimited text file with
one job entry per row, with the most recently finished job appended at
end. Contrary to what one might expect, the file is not
perfectly ordered by the end_time
of the jobs. We
might find some entries where the end_time
of two
consequentive entries might differ by a few seconds in the “wrong”
order. It’s not clear to me why this is but it might be that the
scheduler updates the SGE accounting file at regular intervals, say
every few minutes, and when it does it goes through the jobs in order of
job index.
In March 2020, the Wynton HPC accounting file was ~12 GB and took 6-8 minutes to read. In June 2021, it was ~58 GB and had 161 million job entries. In October 2021, it was ~69 GB and had 192 million job entries. It is rare to be interested in all entries. It is more common to work with a subset of the job entries. In order to do this efficiently, we start by indexing the SGE accounting file to identify the file byte offset for each job entry;
handlers(global = TRUE) ## Report on progress
":spin :current/:total (:message) [:bar] :percent in :elapsed ETA: :eta"
pathname <- sge_accounting_file()
cat(sprintf("File size: %.3g GB\n", file.size(pathname)/1000^3))
#> File size: 69.3 GB
## It takes ~15 minutes to index a 69 GB SGE accounting file
index <- make_file_index(pathname, skip = 4L)
cat(sprintf("Number of job entries: %d\n", length(index)))
#> Number of job entries: 191745505
## Save per-job index to file
save_file_index(index, file = "accounting.index_by_row")
Next, we want to group the job entries by the ISO-6801 week of the job end times.
handlers(global = TRUE) ## Report on progress
":spin :current/:total (:message) [:bar] :percent in :elapsed ETA: :eta"
pathname <- sge_accounting_file()
index <- read_file_index("accounting.index_by_row")
cat(sprintf("Number of job entries: %d\n", length(index)))
#> Number of job entries: 191745505
## It takes ~15 minutes to build the week index for 192 million entries
week_index <- sge_make_week_index(pathname, index = index)
saveRDS(week_index, file = "accounting.index_by_week.rds")
#> # A tibble: 218 × 3
#> week nbr_of_jobs file_offset
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2017W33 406 59
#> 2 2017W34 44 113195
#> 3 2017W35 49 127727
#> 4 2017W36 24 143361
#> 5 2017W37 8 150740
#> 6 2017W38 30 153559
#> 7 2017W39 18 163657
#> 8 2017W40 22 169804
#> 9 2017W41 2 177075
#> 10 2017W42 18 177695
#> # … with 208 more rows
Here is an example how we can read the job entries for a couple of weeks:
pathname <- sge_accounting_file()
week_index <- readRDS("accounting.index_by_week.rds")
weeks <- subset(week_index, week %in% c("2020W06", "2020W07"))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#> week nbr_of_jobs file_offset
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2020W06 627479 11015936052
#> 2 2020W07 663484 11229385140
offset <- weeks$file_offset[1]
n_max <- sum(weeks$nbr_of_jobs)
cat(sprintf("Number of job entries to read: %d\n", n_max))
#> Number of job entries to read: 1290963
## It takes ~5 seconds to read the ~1.3 million job entries of interest
jobs <- read_sge_accounting(pathname, offset = offset, n_max = n_max)
jobs <- anonymize(jobs)
print(head(select(jobs, -account)))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 44
#> qname hostname group owner job_name job_number priority submission_time
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dttm>
#> 1 long.q cc-id3 grou… owne… job_qb3.… 361 19 2017-10-24 09:33:46
#> 2 long.q cin-id2 grou… owne… job_qb3.… 360 19 2017-10-23 16:09:59
#> 3 long.q qb3-hmi… grou… owne… job_qb3.… 365 19 2017-10-24 12:01:17
#> 4 long.q qb3-id3 grou… owne… job_mac_… 359 19 2017-10-23 09:52:44
#> 5 long.q qb3-id2 grou… owne… job_qb3.… 363 19 2017-10-24 09:41:57
#> 6 long.q qb3-id1 grou… owne… bmle_int… 368 19 2017-10-25 09:21:41
#> # … with 36 more rows, and 36 more variables: start_time <dttm>,
#> # end_time <dttm>, failed <int>, exit_status <int>, ru_wallclock <drtn>,
#> # ru_utime <drtn>, ru_stime <drtn>, ru_maxrss <chr>, ru_ixrss <chr>,
#> # ru_ismrss <chr>, ru_idrss <chr>, ru_isrss <chr>, ru_minflt <dbl>,
#> # ru_majflt <dbl>, ru_nswap <dbl>, ru_inblock <dbl>, ru_oublock <dbl>,
#> # ru_msgsnd <dbl>, ru_msgrcv <dbl>, ru_nsignals <dbl>, ru_nvcsw <dbl>,
#> # ru_nivcsw <dbl>, project <chr>, department <chr>, granted_pe <chr>,
#> # slots <int>, task_number <int>, cpu <drtn>, mem <chr>, io <chr>,
#> # category <chr>, iow <drtn>, pe_taskid <chr>, maxvmem <dbl>, arid <dbl>,
#> # ar_sub_time <dttm>
period <- range(jobs$end_time, na.rm=TRUE)
cat(sprintf("Period: %s/%s\n", period[1], period[2]))
#> Period: 2020-02-03 00:00:01/2020-02-16 23:59:58
jobs <- add_weeks(jobs)
period <- range(jobs$end_time_week, na.rm=TRUE)
cat(sprintf("Period (weeks): %s/%s\n", period[1], period[2]))
#> Period (weeks): Period: 2020W06/2020W07
cat(sprintf("Number of jobs finished during this period: %d\n", nrow(jobs)))
#> Number of jobs finished during this period: 1290963
nusers <- length(unique(jobs$owner))
cat(sprintf("Number of unique users: %d\n", nusers))
#> Number of unique users: 146
Let’s see how many of the jobs finished succesfully and how many failed.
## Get successful and failed jobs
groups <- list(
success = subset(jobs, failed == 0L),
fail = subset(jobs, failed > 0L)
stats <- sapply(groups, nrow)
#> success fail
#> 1227507 63456
#> success fail
#> 0.950846 0.049154
We see that failure rate among the ~1.3 million jobs that ran during this period was ~5%. Next, let’s see how much CPU time this corresponds to:
## CPU time consumed
cpu <- lapply(groups, function(jobs) { d <- sum(jobs$cpu); units(d) <- "days"; d })
total <- tibble(outcome = names(cpu), cpu =, cpu))
cat(sprintf("Total CPU processing time: %.1f %s\n", sum(total$cpu), units(total$cpu)))
#> Total CPU processing time: 53069.7 days
#> outcome cpu
#> <chr> <drtn>
#> 1 success 37291.05 days
#> 2 fail 15778.61 days
## CPU-time fractions
ratio <- mutate(total, cpu = { x <- as.numeric(cpu); x / sum(x) })
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#> outcome cpu
#> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 success 0.703
#> 2 fail 0.297
From this, we find that during these two weeks, ~30% of the CPU time was consumed by jobs that failed. Among the failed jobs, the failure code was distributed as:
codes <- groups$fail$failed
#> 1 8 19 21 26 27 28 37 100
#> 8 26 2520 8 2762 15 15552 9907 32658
From details on these codes, see
help("read_sge_accounting", package="wyntonquery")
, or:
subset(sge_failed_codes(), Code %in% unique(codes), select=c(Code, Explanation))
#> # A tibble: 9 × 2
#> Code Explanation
#> <int> <chr>
#> 1 1 failed early in execd
#> 2 8 failed in prolog
#> 3 19 shepherd didnt write reports correctly - probably program or machine crash
#> 4 21 qmaster asked about an unknown job (not in accounting?)
#> 5 26 failed opening stderr/stdout file
#> 6 27 failed finding specified shell
#> 7 28 failed changing to start directory
#> 8 37 ran, but killed due to exceeding run time limit
#> 9 100 ran, but killed by a signal (perhaps due to exceeding resources),
#> task died, shepherd died (e.g. node crash), etc.
The jobs that exhausted their limits, consumed 9,613 days of CPU time;
d <- sum(subset(groups$fail, failed == 37)$cpu); units(d) <- "days"
# Time difference of 9613.036 days
which corresponds to ~18% of all CPU time spent: